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Whitley Bay Holiday Data Overflow!

Whitley Bay Holiday Data Overflow!

Last year I went on a holiday to Seahouses for a Whitley Bay Holiday with my mum and dad, it was a very long drive so I decided to play Pokémon Go on the way there and ended up catching tons of Pokémon from the car. The drive ended up being shorter than expected but I was super excited to go inside the rented static caravan which would be our home for the next few days! Once we had finished unpacking we decided to look around the holiday park and when I discovered that there was an arcade within walking distance of the caravan I knew this holiday was going to be amazing! During the nights we checked out the shows in the clubhouse and I would frequently visit the arcade to play on the 2p machines. (Which I won a few prizes from!)

On our second day we went into the town centre to look around the local shops and points of interest and came across a circus which we decided to watch. The circus show had a man juggling machetes and other dangerous things as well as a strong woman who was picking random up random men and ripping up very thick books, the show was funny and we had a great time watching it! Afterwards we explored more of the city and found another arcade which I spent a while in while my mum and dad were in the over 18 section where they didn’t win anything! Overall I had a great day out and would love to visit again!

When we got back to the caravan it was pretty late and I decided to watch some YouTube videos on my phone via mobile data.. at the time I didn’t realise how fast YouTube would eat through my data limits but after half an hour of watching videos I suddenly got an alert saying I had went over my data limit, we weren’t really sure why at the time but my mum phoned my brother Sean back at home to look at my phone contract account online and saw that we had already been charged £18 extra for the couple of minutes I had went over the limit! I now know that I need to be much more careful with my mobile data, since then Sean setup warnings on my phone when I’m getting near my limits but I definitely won’t be watching any more YouTube videos on my phone without wifi again!

Our Whitley Bay holiday ended after 3 days with the most memorable moment sadly being me going over my phones data limit!

Holidays to Flamingo Land!

Holidays to Flamingo Land!

Flamingo landSeveral years ago when I was younger me, my brother Connor, and mum and dad would sometimes go on holidays to Flamingo Land, staying in my nana’s caravan near the park. (My other brother Sean used to come with us until he got older and instead just stayed home with our dog Keira) I had made tons of friends at the caravan park from exploring the area or visiting the playground they had on-site which me and Connor would spend more out time at using the swings or making challenges with the various monkey bars and climbing ropes getting from one side of the park to the other!

A few years ago sadly the caravan had to be removed from the site as it was old and the owner wanted to replace it with more static caravans instead so we visited a lot less afterwards but when we did we stayed inside of the Flamingo Land camping zone in a tent. I would usually barely get any sleep during the holidays though because I would always be so excited of heading into the Flamingo Land park the next day to go on rides and see the shows!

If you haven’t had any holidays to Flamingo Land or have just never heard of it then it’s a theme park in North Yorkshire, England with tons of rides, shows and other attractions. It also has its own camp-site and throughout the years me and my family have visited it a lot and we love visiting!

Tea cupsBack when I was younger I wasn’t always tall enough to go on all the intense rides though so I usually just stuck to smaller rides like Tea Cups or Elephant Rides but among all the rides I was terrified of a ride similar to the Tea Cups where you sit inside a giant clown whilst spinning around and bobbing up and down.. (and I still can’t stand clowns at all 😢) however Connor would usually try force me to go on it which I did a few times and it was horrible. My best memory from visiting was back when we visited with our cousins where they convinced me to go on the Frog Hopper, which was a small ride which bounced up and down – from then I would go on it several times with each visit!

kumaliAs I grew older and passed the height limit to go on the bigger rides I ended up chickening out from going on them after seeing other people in line or coming off them being frightened.. until two years ago when our family went with our neighbours and I spent most of the week going on the little rides like usual until the last two days where I mustered enough courage to go on a ride called The Cliffhanger (which essentially is just a giant 180 foot version of the frog hopper!) and I actually loved it!

From then I made Connor come on it about 7 times in a row with me afterwards! Since I was feeling brave, the next day we woke up at 10am and was determined to go on a massive roller-coaster called called the Kumali which is a super fast roller-caster where you feet hand free below the ride and if you looked at me while riding it you would’ve thought I loved it.. but inside I was going crazy with fear! I really hated the suspense when it took me up to the top at the start of the ride as I knew the drop was coming closer and closer..

Other than just the rides on our holidays to Flamingo land we always watch all the shows such as The Sea-lion Show where Sea-lions perform trick for the audience and The Bird Show where tons of amazing trained birds perform in front of an audience too. We’ve seen the shows so many times but they have a ton of different routines per season and even watching repeated shows are amazing to experience over and over!

Sometimes during the nights staying inside the park me and Connor would visit the arcades whilst my parents stayed in the clubhouse where I would normally stick to the 2p machines and ended up winning a lot of prizes from and Connor would spend all his money on the games which rewarded tickets to try win the really big prizes! About 2 years ago he saved up all his tickets and at the end of the visit on the day we had to go home he had finally won enough tickets to get a giant snow lion plush toy which I’m very jealous of and he wouldn’t let me have it 🙁

What holiday destinations have you been to? Have you had any holidays at Flamingo Land of your own? Share your experiences in the comments below or send me a pingback to your own blogs and I’ll read them and leave a comment!

Poop Emoji Cake for my Brother’s Birthday!

Poop Emoji Cake for my Brother’s Birthday!

Poop Emoji Birthday CakeToday was my brother Connor’s birthday! The day started with my mum making us all a special breakfast of bacon sandwiches and finishing decoration on the birthday cake for him (we all decided on making a chocolate cake with poop emoji’s sitting on it!) she got the cake finished pretty quick and it looked amazing!

connors presentsEventually, Connor woke up and started opening his cards and presents and started with the gifts from our cousin which was jokingly wrapped in My Little Pony wrapping paper! There were 2 gifts; a jar packed full of blackjacks and a box of Maltesers chocolates. Next, he opened my present which was Lynx deodorant and a bag of celebrations chocolates then finally opened the present from my other brother Sean which was a Cloud II headset for his computer which sounded amazing, we all had to try it on because we had never had any headphones which sounded so good! Our mum and dad got him an exercise bike which he was given a week before his birthday and we’ve all been using it constantly every day.

my mealFor dinner, we decided to go to a nearby restaurant which we’ve visited a few times in the past and loved. Me and my mum decided to get something called a “Special Burger” which was a just burger with bacon in it and it was delicious but made me feel like I was going to burst once I was done eating the whole thing! Sean got a “Loaded Burger” which was another burger but with bacon, egg, onions and lots of salad in it, Connor just got a normal cheeseburger and dad got a steak. We all loved the food but found it pretty annoying how all of our food (except dad’s) was served on a wide piece of wood rather than plates like usual causing everyone to make a mess.. however the night out overall was really fun.

gear vrUpon getting home on the night my parents and brothers wanted to celebrate Connor’s birthday with some drinks but we didn’t have much left in the house so we decided to take a quick a trip to nearby Tesco’s which my oldest brother Sean drove us to in his car. I love driving in the night so came along for the drive too of course! Once we were home on the night we sand happy birthday as my brother blew out the candles on his poop emoji cake then everyone just sat around relaxing and talking. My mum is determined to find a game on the Oculus store for the Gear VR which will scare my dad though.. but ends up just scaring herself whilst dad isn’t bothered by them!

We think the poop emoji cake turned out really well and the day was amazing! I’m sure we’ll end up thinking up another fun cake idea for future birthdays too!

Stormy town adventures 🌩️

Stormy town adventures 🌩️

starbucksToday I went into my local town with my best friend Brooke, there’s a tons of shops to explore so it’s nice to visit once in a while especially during the school holidays. The morning started with rain which made the day feel pretty gloomy, however as I was about to head out to catch the bus it stopped luckily – I was pretty worried the whole day would be spent soaking wet! Once we arrived in the town we decided to head straight to Starbucks; I ordered a Tall Caramel Cream Frappuccino and Brooke got a Chocolate Cream Frappuccino it was delicious! 😋

After we finished our drinks we went into The Works which sells art supplies, books and other pretty random things. I wanted to look through the books for something new to read and Brooke just wanted to browse. I couldn’t really find anything I wanted and although Brooke seemed pretty interested in some unicorn pens she decided not to get any.

After we had finished looking around in The Works we visited Poundland to see if there was anything interesting we could find for a pound; I bought a little cute dog toy for Molly which she ended up loving and doesn’t want to leave alone! I also bought some gel pens ready for going back to school (I love gel pens). Afterwards we went to the clothing shop Topshop where I knew I probably wasn’t going to buy anything because everything is so expensive… but where’s the fun in not trying on anything! I tried on a few t-shirts but didn’t really like any of them anyway.Inshanghai

Before we knew it the it was already noon (we got there at 10AM) so we planned to meet up with a few more friends for lunch at Inshanghai which is an all you can eat buffet. I didn’t really eat much as I wasn’t very hungry but I did get a lot of super yummy ice cream 🍦 and tried some pineapple which I decided to eat with chopsticks lol. We spent about an hour in Inshanghai before we decided we were all finished and split up again.

After leaving Inshanghai we went to CEX which is a shop that sells games, consoles and other miscellaneous gadgets; however it’s mainly all used items which people have traded into the shop. I found a cheap Nintendo DS game called Brain Challenge which looked pretty fun, it reminded me of a show I used to watch called ‘Beat The Brain’ and for £1.50 I couldn’t say no!

my flannel topLater we decided to play Pokémon Go as we walked around as the new update had just came out after all and while playing we headed towards Super Dry to browse for more clothes but sadly the prices were still way too high for anything I wanted to pay and I couldn’t find anything I really wanted to buy anyway. We next went to New Look where I tried on a flannel-like top and a flowy dress which were both on sale, however the dress didn’t look good so I ended up just buying the flannel top. Soon after the weather took a turn for the worse, the wind picked up and the rain crashed down heavily, me and Brooke didn’t have hoods on our coats so we quickly decided to buy an umbrella before the rain got any worse which I eventually bought from Next.

However the storm was quickly getting worse and I could barely hold the umbrella so we decided it was time to go home so caught a double decker bus which took us back. Overall it was a really fun day it was just sad that it had to be cut short by the weather which apparently was named Storm Dorris.

My trip to London!

My trip to London!

Back in 2015 I went on a weekend visit to London with my mum and dad, it was pretty unplanned as we only decided to go on London trip the day before we actually left! It was just a little weekend getaway as we were bored so we looked up trains to London and packed our bags ready for the next day. I was so excited that the next day at school felt like an eternity, but as soon as I got home I changed my clothes and grabbed everything I needed and we left for the taxi to the train station. I had never actually been on a train before so I was pretty scared but excited as the same time; the train started to move before we had even found a seat but luckily eventually we found some seats together.

When we finally arrived after a train journey  of over 2 hours at King’s Cross Station we were all very tired but had to find our hotel; however we quickly realised that we had gotten lost in the middle of London after getting onto the wrong subway several times! Eventually we found the street we were looking for however we still couldn’t find the hotel, and in the end we found some very helpful people who approached us asking if we were lost and helped us find the hotel.

The hotel i stopped inThe London hotel was lovely except I had to sleep under the TV so it was hard to see it from my bed in the morning :(. We stayed at the The New Linden Hotel near Kensington Road, it had an amazing bathroom with a really nice selection of shower gels, shampoos and conditioners they were so cute I love seeing mini versions of things! Our bath even had jets in it making it feel like we had our own spa! Overall the room was very fancy and I never wanted to actually leave the room but I also couldn’t resist sightseeing in London!

stuffed tigerThe next day we looked around London, exploring Buckingham Palace and seeing the guards was just the best thing I had ever seen with their perfectly posed marches around the building! After taking some photos we went to the British Museum where we were stuck waiting in line for about an hour until we were eventually let in through a huge door and were greeted by a massive dinosaur which at first was kinda scary at first and stuffed tigers which were amazing… until my feet started to really hurt and I could only think about how I had wasted hours in line and walking around the museum for the sake of a animatronic dinosaur!

On the third day we went shopping as it was our last day there and we hadn’t gotten any souvenirs and I wanted to get something to bring home for my brothers. After we had finished shopping we went to St. James’ Park and it was beautiful! The weather in London during the trip was amazing it was always sunny which is something I’m not used to living up north, so we got an ice cream and went to another museum. On the night we found a delicious pizza restaurant which since there was three of us we decided to get an 18″ pizza with the toppings of half pepperoni, half meat feast. We later found that we had been pretty greedy going for the 18″ as we were left with about half of the pizza left over but even so I couldn’t resist getting their ice cream special which was in a cow! (I just really wanted the cow!)

the subway station mapThe next morning we had to wake up really early to catch the train home, when we got to the subway station me and my mum were very confused looking at the map as we didn’t have a clue which train we needed to catch as the map was just a confusing mess of lines and colours! We were lucky we had my dad with us or we would’ve probably gotten onto the wrong subway train. I was very surprised when I got home on how much I missed it but I definitely want to go back again as there’s so much more I want to explore and do!

Overall my experience in London was amazing with loads to do and see! I would recommend anyone who hasn’t visited to check it out and I’m sure you’ll have as good as an experience as I had, it was simply beautiful and amazing! Have you got any stories of visiting somewhere amazing? Let me know in the comments below I’ll love reading and responding to them!