Poop Emoji Cake for my Brother’s Birthday!

Poop Emoji Cake for my Brother’s Birthday!

Poop Emoji Birthday CakeToday was my brother Connor’s birthday! The day started with my mum making us all a special breakfast of bacon sandwiches and finishing decoration on the birthday cake for him (we all decided on making a chocolate cake with poop emoji’s sitting on it!) she got the cake finished pretty quick and it looked amazing!

connors presentsEventually, Connor woke up and started opening his cards and presents and started with the gifts from our cousin which was jokingly wrapped in My Little Pony wrapping paper! There were 2 gifts; a jar packed full of blackjacks and a box of Maltesers chocolates. Next, he opened my present which was Lynx deodorant and a bag of celebrations chocolates then finally opened the present from my other brother Sean which was a Cloud II headset for his computer which sounded amazing, we all had to try it on because we had never had any headphones which sounded so good! Our mum and dad got him an exercise bike which he was given a week before his birthday and we’ve all been using it constantly every day.

my mealFor dinner, we decided to go to a nearby restaurant which we’ve visited a few times in the past and loved. Me and my mum decided to get something called a “Special Burger” which was a just burger with bacon in it and it was delicious but made me feel like I was going to burst once I was done eating the whole thing! Sean got a “Loaded Burger” which was another burger but with bacon, egg, onions and lots of salad in it, Connor just got a normal cheeseburger and dad got a steak. We all loved the food but found it pretty annoying how all of our food (except dad’s) was served on a wide piece of wood rather than plates like usual causing everyone to make a mess.. however the night out overall was really fun.

gear vrUpon getting home on the night my parents and brothers wanted to celebrate Connor’s birthday with some drinks but we didn’t have much left in the house so we decided to take a quick a trip to nearby Tesco’s which my oldest brother Sean drove us to in his car. I love driving in the night so came along for the drive too of course! Once we were home on the night we sand happy birthday as my brother blew out the candles on his poop emoji cake then everyone just sat around relaxing and talking. My mum is determined to find a game on the Oculus store for the Gear VR which will scare my dad though.. but ends up just scaring herself whilst dad isn’t bothered by them!

We think the poop emoji cake turned out really well and the day was amazing! I’m sure we’ll end up thinking up another fun cake idea for future birthdays too!

How could I lose so much in a single day? 😠

How could I lose so much in a single day? 😠

hurdlesBack when I was in year 7 of school I was kinda athletic (not >.<) and for some reason I was selected to be on the athletics team where we would spend the day competing against other schools for a day in several different competitions to cover for other people which had dropped out.. However at least I wasn’t alone as my friend Brooke was there with me. I did hurdles, relay and shot-put but none of them went well and we ended up losing them all.

The hurdles was a huge embarrassment as I knocked down 3 of them and finished in last place! At the time everyone seemed to be supporting until the next few days where people wouldn’t stop talking about it. 😢 In the shot-put I didn’t do well either but wasn’t as bad.. and after the disaster that was hurdles I just wanted to get it over and done with. The last event of the day was the relay race, but I ended up being really confused because I couldn’t hear the person in charge so I ended up standing in the wrong place and again we didn’t win. The events were fun though as I was with my friends Brooke, Holly and Nimah.

During the events after the shot-put I wanted to check my phone to see the time however when I checked my bag for the phone it was missing! I thought I might’ve left it in my hoodie but the only problem was that everyone’s hoodie looked the same and were mixed together so anyone could’ve taken mine! I checked the hoodie near my bag but it wasn’t there at this point I knew I had lost my phone! My friends tried calling it but I knew it would’ve been on silent mode and we tried asking around but nobody had seen it. 😭

Brooke let me borrow her phone to call my mum and tell her what had happened where she told me not to worry and we would sort it once I got home. I was so sad because I loved my little Samsung galaxy s3 mini, but my mum is so nice that she later got me a Samsung galaxy s5 neo on contract! I still miss my old phone though as it had so many memories via photos and videos stored onto it! (Plus I had completed so many colour switch levels 😠)

Ever lost something important to you? Share your stories in the comments or send me a pingback and I’ll be happy to comment with you!

Stormy town adventures 🌩️

Stormy town adventures 🌩️

starbucksToday I went into my local town with my best friend Brooke, there’s a tons of shops to explore so it’s nice to visit once in a while especially during the school holidays. The morning started with rain which made the day feel pretty gloomy, however as I was about to head out to catch the bus it stopped luckily – I was pretty worried the whole day would be spent soaking wet! Once we arrived in the town we decided to head straight to Starbucks; I ordered a Tall Caramel Cream Frappuccino and Brooke got a Chocolate Cream Frappuccino it was delicious! 😋

After we finished our drinks we went into The Works which sells art supplies, books and other pretty random things. I wanted to look through the books for something new to read and Brooke just wanted to browse. I couldn’t really find anything I wanted and although Brooke seemed pretty interested in some unicorn pens she decided not to get any.

After we had finished looking around in The Works we visited Poundland to see if there was anything interesting we could find for a pound; I bought a little cute dog toy for Molly which she ended up loving and doesn’t want to leave alone! I also bought some gel pens ready for going back to school (I love gel pens). Afterwards we went to the clothing shop Topshop where I knew I probably wasn’t going to buy anything because everything is so expensive… but where’s the fun in not trying on anything! I tried on a few t-shirts but didn’t really like any of them anyway.Inshanghai

Before we knew it the it was already noon (we got there at 10AM) so we planned to meet up with a few more friends for lunch at Inshanghai which is an all you can eat buffet. I didn’t really eat much as I wasn’t very hungry but I did get a lot of super yummy ice cream 🍦 and tried some pineapple which I decided to eat with chopsticks lol. We spent about an hour in Inshanghai before we decided we were all finished and split up again.

After leaving Inshanghai we went to CEX which is a shop that sells games, consoles and other miscellaneous gadgets; however it’s mainly all used items which people have traded into the shop. I found a cheap Nintendo DS game called Brain Challenge which looked pretty fun, it reminded me of a show I used to watch called ‘Beat The Brain’ and for £1.50 I couldn’t say no!

my flannel topLater we decided to play Pokémon Go as we walked around as the new update had just came out after all and while playing we headed towards Super Dry to browse for more clothes but sadly the prices were still way too high for anything I wanted to pay and I couldn’t find anything I really wanted to buy anyway. We next went to New Look where I tried on a flannel-like top and a flowy dress which were both on sale, however the dress didn’t look good so I ended up just buying the flannel top. Soon after the weather took a turn for the worse, the wind picked up and the rain crashed down heavily, me and Brooke didn’t have hoods on our coats so we quickly decided to buy an umbrella before the rain got any worse which I eventually bought from Next.

However the storm was quickly getting worse and I could barely hold the umbrella so we decided it was time to go home so caught a double decker bus which took us back. Overall it was a really fun day it was just sad that it had to be cut short by the weather which apparently was named Storm Dorris.

My new hair!

My new hair!

meToday has been a busy day for me as it started with me needing to wake up earlier than usual as I had a hairdressers appointment! I love my hair and had an appointment booked to get a bit of it trimmed from the ends and had blonde highlights put in again (I had them in previously but they had faded over time). I was in the chair for about an hour as they put the foils in my hair then I had to wait a further 10 minutes as they actually put the dye into my hair which she called “cooking” 😜

my new hairOnce they were finally done with the dying they finally washed off my hair which took ages and the sink was uncomfortable but my hair smelled amazing and was very soft! 😍 When I finally saw my finished hair in the mirror it kinda looked like it had yellow and brown streaks which didn’t look good and had me worried, however once it dried everything was fine! I think the final result is really nice, it’s just a subtle change but I loved my hair as it was; but now that it’s lighter, slightly shorter and thinner it’s perfect!

Why is the moon round? Tell me in the comments below! 🙂

Pokémon Go Adventures!

Pokémon Go Adventures!

Pokémon goA year ago I was addicted to a game called Pokémon GO and almost every day me and my brothers Sean and Connor would walk around our village looking for Pokémon and Poké-stops. It was a lot of fun and actually got us out of the house as we ran around catching Pokémon! On the downside though I ended up using a lot of mobile data and there aren’t many Poké-stops nearby so I would run out of Pokéballs easily but Sean would buy us more if we asked enough!

After a few months of daily hunting around the village catching PokémonSeaton carew beach we quickly ended up catching the same pokemon constantly, so almost every Saturday my brother (Sean) would drive us up to Seaton Carew Beach and my mum would come along too for a lovely visit walking around the beach whilst catching new Pokémon! On our first visit we found an arcade which looked amazing however everyone was tired so we decided it would just be best to come again another day and check it out.. however we did get some delicious fish and chips for lunch and it was a really nice day overall. The next visit I was prepared and brought my own money prepared for the arcade which was massive on the inside with lots of games, my mum stayed by the 2p machines Sean stayed with her and me and my brother Connor found a Crossy Roads arcade machine which we had a competition on.. which he he won :l (I did manage to beat his score on our next visit though!)

Natu and MurkrowSadly after a while pretty much everyone I knew stopped playing Pokémon Go, Niantic wasn’t making any major changes to the game and seemed to be making it worse after several maps got shut down ruining my personal favourite part of the hunts, finding a Pokemon we wanted nearby and getting to it before it despawned. Finally after many months though an update was finally released and today I logged on to find tons of new Pokémon right in my house! I didn’t have any Pokéballs left though so I decided to take Molly (one of my dogs) on a quick walk to visit all the nearby Poké-stops to get some quick Pokéballs to catch them. Sadly most of the Pokémon I saw had despawned once I got back home though.. I did manage to get a Murkrow and a Natu though and looking forward to seeing how many more I can collect!

Have you started to play the generation 2 update or did you enjoy playing the original? Share your thoughts in the comments and I’ll look forward to reading them all!